Photos using my Meade LX90

The first thing to say here is that I don't have a dark sky or a fixed observatory at home, so pictures taken at my home will be through the orange streetlight glare and on a mount set up in about 10 mins!.

The above image is taken with the LX90 on a Vixen mount with a b/w Atic webcam
The above image is from my back garden, using a Minolta 5D camera, 0.6 focal reducer and a light pollution filter. The LX 90 was equatorially mounted on a wedge.
It is 5 x 30 sec shots, stacked in rotnstack , de-noised in Noiseware Community Edition , then reduced to web size
4 x 10 second avi's via a webcam converted to a single jpg image of Mars on 16th December 2007 from my back gardenA 30 second avi via a webcam converted to a single jpg image of Saturn on 26th March 2007 from my back garden
comet Holmes
Nikon D40x mounted onto the LX90 via a focal reducer gave me this shot of comet Holmes
Nov 2007 from my back garden
The Moon
The Moon - 28th Dec 2009
please see my older LX90 page here.....
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